Self Study for GATE vs GATE Coaching
Confused whether to join GATE coaching or self prepare ? How to choose which is right for you ?

In today's scenario there are three ways to go about preparing for GATE.
Self preparation
Offline coaching (classroom)
Online coaching
It is an individual decision to choose between the three; For your friend, classroom coaching might suit him but maybe not for you.
Whichever you choose, you have to put the required effort at the end of the day. Coaching is like a software - it aids you, it helps you - but in the end you have to put in the required effort.
1. Self preparation for GATE
It is certainly possible to get a top rank in GATE with self preparation. The key is to remain motivated throughout your GATE preparation and create a positive environment around you. Make friends with people who are studying for exams, and keep in touch with them.
Avoid distraction and eliminate the things which create negative environment. Talk to people other than from your college, who have been through different experiences. Also, you can give a try of the following books, some ideas will definitely strike you at some point.
1. Mastery by Robert Greene
2. Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill
3. Rich Dad Poor Dad
Here, choosing the right resource (books) plays an important role.
For each subject, find out good books for understanding concepts, practising questions + last year papers. You can also get aid for a few subjects from online course if necessary.
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2. Classroom coaching for GATE
Classroom coaching creates an environment of students studying around you. Here, the key is to select a good coaching institute. There are quite a lot of offline coaching institutes, and selecting the best depends on where you stay as well.
Save on travel time, and select a coaching centre near to you. Or if you find a good coaching centre, try to stay nearby. You can save these precious hours of traveling and use it for studying.
Check the review of the coaching institute near you, not as a whole. Sometimes, the coaching centre will perform well in one city and not so in the other centre. Talk to the students from the specific coaching centre.
3. Online coaching for GATE
If you want flexibility to study at your own convenience, and at your own pace and need some helps + save some money - go for online coaching. Here also similar to self preparation, the key is to remain motivated throughout your GATE preparation and create a positive environment around you.
You can always check back the concepts you are not able to understand whereas in offline classroom coaching, this is not possible. We, at APSEd, provide online coaching for Civil Engineering and there are other online coaching for all engineering streams.
Study at your own pace - You do not have to worry if you are a slow/ fast learner. Structure the study to your own needs with our online courses
Manageable timings - Study whenever you want, pause the lecture, grab a cup of tea and resume the lecture
Whichever you choose, start you preparation early and manage your time effectively.
If you are still confused which way to go, you can mail us at or drop us a message below - Our experts will guide you in the best way possible
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