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DRDO, DST & ADA Recruitment for Scientist 'B' Through RAC | Download PDF

Writer: APSEdAPSEd

Updated: Jun 30, 2022

Recruitment and Assessment Centre (RAC) invites applications for the post of Scientist 'B' at the Defence Research & Development Organization (DRDO), Department of Science and Technology (DST), and Aeronautical Development Agency (ADA). In this blog, we had shared details about the number of vacancies, eligibility criteria, application process and all other relevant information in detail.

DRDO, ADA, & DST Recruitment
DRDO, ADA, & DST Recruitment

Recruitment and Assessment Center

Before getting into details of the recruitment process let us see some details about the agencies involved. RAC undertakes various recruitment programmes to induct Scientists each year in a variety of scientific and engineering disciplines relevant to DRDO. It has its headquarters in New Delhi.

Department of Research and Development Organization

DRDO is India's premier Defence R&D organization. It employs bright, qualified and competent scientists in Group ‘A’ (Gazetted) technical service known as Defence Research & Development Service (DRDS) and offers exciting and challenging career opportunities in a broad spectrum of technologies at its laboratories/establishments located across the country.

Department of Science and Technology

DST is a government of India organization that is primarily entrusted with the responsibility of the formulation of science and technology (S&T) policies and their implementation. It is also involved in the identification of thrust areas of research in different sectors of S&T; technology information, forecasting and assessment; international collaboration; organizing, coordinating and promoting S&T activities in the country.

Aeronautical Development Agency

ADA is an autonomous body under the Ministry of Defence, Government of India entrusted with the design & development of the Light Combat Aircrafts for Defence Services. ADA provides challenging career opportunities and an excellent working environment.

Vacancies and Qualifications

Now that we got some idea about recruiting organisations it is time to see details about vacancies and qualifications. Given below are the details of vacancies present in each organization and qualifications required, sorted discipline-wise.

Note that the disciplines are divided into two parts i.e., part-1 and part-2. Electronics & communication engineering, mechanical engineering, and computer science engineering come under part 1. All other fourteen disciplines come under part 2.



Essential Qualifications

Equivalent acceptable qualification

Civil Engineering

DRDO - 6+

At least First Class Bachelor’s Degree in Engineering or Technology in Civil Engg from a recognized university or equivalent.

GATE Qualification: Valid GATE score in Civil Engineering [Paper code: CE]

1. Civil Engg

2. Civil & Structural Engg

3. Civil & Environmental Engg

4. Civil & Rural Engg

5. Civil & Water Management Engg

6. Civil & Infrastructure Engg

7. Construction Engg & Management

Naval Architecture

DRDO - 3

At least First Class Bachelor’s Degree in Engineering or Technology in Naval Architecture from a recognized university or equivalent.

GATE Qualification: Valid GATE score in Naval Architecture & Marine Engg [Paper code: NM]

1. Naval Engg

2. Naval Architecture & Ocean Engg

3. Naval Architecture & Offshore Engg

4. Naval Architecture & Marine Engg

5. Naval Architecture and shipbuilding

6. Marine Engineering

7. Oceanography Engg

Environmental Science and Engineering

DST - 1

At least First Class Bachelor’s Degree in Engineering or Technology in Environmental Science & Engineering from a recognized university or equivalent.

GATE Qualification: Valid GATE score in Environmental Science & Engg [Paper code: ES]

1. Energy and Environmental Engineering

2. Environmental Engineering

3. Civil and Environmental Engineering

4. Civil Environmental Engineering

5. Energy Environment and Climate

6. Environmental Science and Technology

7. Renewable Energy and Environmental Engineering

8. Environmental and water resources Engineering

Electrical engineering

DRDO - 25+

ADA - 2

DST - 1

At least First Class Bachelor’s Degree in Engineering or Technology in Electrical Engg from a recognized university or equivalent.

GATE Qualification: Valid GATE score in Electrical Engg [Paper code: EE]

1. Electrical Engg

2. Electrical Power System Engg

3. Electrical & Electronics Engg

4. Electrical & Renewable Energy Engg 5. Power Engg

6. Power Electronics Engg

7. Electronics & Electrical Communications Engg 8. Electrical with Communication Engg

Electronics and communication engineering

DRDO - 135+

ADA - 12

DST - 2

At least First Class Bachelor’s Degree in Engineering or Technology in Electronics & Communication Engg from a recognized university or equivalent.

Applicants must also fulfil ONE of the following additional requirements:

1. GATE Qualification: Valid GATE score in Electronics & Communication Engg [Paper code: EC]

2. Minimum 80% aggregate marks in EQ degree if done from an Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) or National Institute of Technology (NIT).

1. Electronics & Communication Engg

2. Electronics Engg

3. Electronics & Computer Engg

4. Electronics & Control Engg.

5. Electronics & Communication System Engg

6. Electronics & Instrumentation Engg

7. Electronics & Tele- Communication Engg

8. Electronics & Telematics Engg

9. Industrial Electronics Engg

10. Tele Communication Engg

11. Telecommunication & Information Tech

12. Applied Electronics & Instrumentation Engg 13. Electronics & Electrical Communication Engg 14. Electrical with Communication Engg 15. Radio Physics & Electronics

16. Electrical Engg

17. Electrical & Electronics Engg

18. Electronics & Communication Engg (Avionics)

Mechanical engineering

DRDO - 132+

ADA - 17

DST - 1

At least First Class Bachelor’s Degree in Engineering or Technology in Mechanical Engg from a recognized university or equivalent.

Applicants must also fulfil ONE of the following additional requirements:

1. GATE Qualification: Valid GATE score in Mechanical Engineering [Paper code: ME]

2. Minimum 80% aggregate marks in EQ degree if done from an IIT or NIT.

1. Mechanical Engg

2. Mechanical & Automation Engg

3. Mechanical & Production Engg

Computer science and engineering

DRDO - 104+

ADA - 17

DST - 1

At least First Class Bachelor’s Degree in Engineering or Technology in Computer Science & Engg from a recognized university or equivalent.

Applicants must also fulfil ONE of the following additional requirements:

1. GATE Qualification: Valid GATE score in Computer Science & Information Technology [Paper code: CS]

2. Minimum 80% aggregate marks in EQ degree if done from an IIT or NIT.

1. Computer Science/ Engg/ Technology

2. Computer Science and Engg./Technology 3. Computer Science/Engg & Info Tech

4. Computer Science & System Engg

5. Software Engg/ Technology

6. Computer Science & Automation Engg/ Tech 7. Information Technology

8. Computer Science/Technology & Informatics Engg/Tech 9. Information Science & Engg/Technology

10. Computer & Communication Engg 11. Computer Networking

For more disciplines download the PDF attached at the end of this blog.

Eligibility Criteria

  • The candidate should have the required educational qualification as stated in the above table.

  • The upper age limit differs for different organizations and castes and the same are listed below.

    • DRDO:

      • UR: 28 years

      • OBC: 31 years

      • SC/ST: 33 years

    • DST:

      • UR: 35 years

      • OBC: 38 years

      • SC/ST: 40 years

    • ADA:

      • UR: 30 years

      • OBC: 33 years

      • SC/ST: 35 years

  • Only Indian national candidates are allowed to apply for the post.

How to Apply?

  1. Candidates are required to register online at the RAC website.

  2. Upon successful registration, the candidates may log in before the closing date of the advertisement to fill out the application form online. The candidates are required to upload the requisite certificates, and the details of the application fee payment (if not exempted) and lock the application before submission of the same.

  3. Candidates are advised to retain a copy of the online recruitment application (pdf format) after locking the online application form. v) Only locked/finalised applications in all respects shall be considered.

  4. Only locked/finalised applications in all respects shall be considered.

Points to Remember During Application

  • The GATE paper and the subject of qualifying degrees of the candidates must be as per the discipline-wise table provided (Table 1).

  • Candidates are advised to be careful while filling in their GATE score, as the shortlisting will be based on the score filled in the application form.

  • The scrutiny of the application will only be done for those candidates who are above the cut-off of the GATE score, as per the norms of shortlisting specified in the advertisement. A wrongly filled GATE score may automatically result in the candidate not getting shortlisted for scrutiny purposes also.

  • RAC may be verifying the GATE score of the applicants, and if the verification requires any additional information at a later stage (apart from the information sought on the application form), the same will be asked from the candidate. Failing to furnish the required information when asked will make their candidature liable for cancellation.

  • On verification, if it is found that the candidate’s GATE score (as filled by him/her) is false, then RAC reserves the right to initiate appropriate proceedings (including criminal proceedings) against the candidate.

Along with the application some of the documents are to be uploaded like the passport size photo of the candidate, birth certificate, degree certificate, and all other relevant documents in the correct format.

Application Fees

General (UR), EWS and OBC male candidates are required to pay a non-refundable non-transferable application fee of Rs100/- (Rs. One Hundred only) payable online only. There is no application fee for SC/ST/PwD and women candidates.

Shortlisting of Candidates

Shortlisting is different for part-1 discipline candidates and part-2 discipline candidates and the same is explained below.

For part-1 discipline candidates

  • Eligible candidates will be shortlisted for a written exam on the basis of the GATE score

  • All eligible IIT and NIT candidates will be shortlisted for the written exam

  • Based on the written exam candidates will be shortlisted for personal interviews to be held in Delhi based on merit

For part-2 discipline candidates

  • Eligible candidates will be shortlisted for personal interviews to be held at Delhi based on the GATE score

Written exam for part-1 discipline candidates

  • Written Examination will consist of two papers of 300 marks each, to be conducted in two sessions of the duration of three hours each. The syllabus of the examination (downloadable from the RAC website) is similar to the Engineering Services Examination (Main) in the relevant discipline conducted by the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC). The examination will be administered in a paper-based format.

  • Tentatively, the Written Examination will be conducted at DRDO centres in seven cities (Bengaluru, Chennai, Delhi, Hyderabad, Kanpur, Kolkata, and Pune) as well as at other common centres, if the need arises.

  • The Written Examination is likely to be held on 16th October 2022.

Last Date of Application

The last date to complete the online application is 21 days after activation of the application link. Therefore, the 14th of July is the last to apply for this post.

Download Notification PDF

For any queries feel free to reach us at 👍


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