IIT Bombay the organising Institute of GATE 2021 has already released the GATE 2021 results long ago. Candidates who scored more than the respective category cutoff are eligible for GATE Counselling and admission to MTech/ ME/PhD courses at top/renowned colleges like IISC, IITs, NITs, IIITs, IIITs, IIEST and other GFTIs. All these institutes decide their own cutoff based on various deciding factors for admission.
The organising institute issues the GATE Scorecard only to these candidates who score either equal or more than the cutoff marks. Total 115270 candidates appeared for the GATE 2021 Civil Engineering and 17.45% of the candidates got qualified. The GATE 2021 CE cutoff marks (Normalized Marks) for General is 29.2, for OBC-(NCL)/EWS is 26.2 and for SC/ST/PwD is 19.4.
Want to know more about NIT MTech Admission. Get to know all about the admission procedures here. The official cutoff(GATE 2019) for MTech admission to NITs is available on CCMT website. How to check the MTech admission cutoff on CCMT website?
Common Branches for MTech in Civil
The four evergreen Specializations of Civil Engineering are Structural Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Geotechnical Engineering and Transportation Engineering. All these four specialization programs exist in 28 out of 31 NITs in India.
Structural Engineering
Structural Engineering is everywhere. It can be a roadway, railway, runway, metro line, tunnelling, high rise building, etc. You name it, we will have it. Starting from working in a construction firm to building your own consultancy, structural engineering has all the scope.
Now coming to getting a seat in the NIT MTech Structural Engineering program, you need to know the previous year cutoffs. So, here you go!

Environmental Engineering
Environmental Engineering is an evergreen branch and to be very particular it's a branch of the future. The branch has huge potential and the scope is increasing every year with the increased awareness of the consequences of environmental aspects among the populous.
Keeping an eye on many environmental laws being put into action around the globe, nearly every MNC, municipality, Mining Firm, Oil and Gas industry requires good environmental engineers to help in protecting the environment. This particular field not only has scope in India but, has globally as well.
17 NITs out of 31 NITs in India have M.Tech. environmental engineering program. These 17 NITs are NIT Jalandhar, NIT Jaipur, NIT Bhopal, NIT Allahabad, NIT Agartala, NIT Calicut, NIT Durgapur, NIT Hamirpur, NIT Surathkal, NIT Patna, NIT Kurukshetra, NIT Manipur, NIT Rourkela, NIT Tiruchirappalli, NIT Warangal, NIT Surat and NIT Nagpur.
The list is a mix of Old and New NITs, which is to give a better idea about the whole scenario which is happening around the NIT M.Tech. admission.
The cutoffs Score(GATE 2019) of these 17 NITs are as below-

Transportation Engineering
Transportation Infrastructure is growing day by day and I hope you are getting its updates in various forms, like bullet trains, metro lines, airports, dedicated freight corridor, rapid metro, on and on.
After getting an M.Tech. degree in this specialization, you may work
On the Academic side as Professors in various Govt or Self-financing Engineering Colleges
As a Transportation Planner or Traffic Engineer in various Private limited companies
As Transport Economist for World bank projects and other projects
As a Highway Design Engineer in Consultancies
In Highways and Transportation Research in India or abroad, many funded PhDs are available
Intelligent Transportation systems jobs in consultancies
NITs have M.Tech. Transportation Engineering in various forms, such as Traffic Engineering and Management, Pavement Engineering and Transportation Engineering and Planning,
The below table shows the score of the last candidate who gets admitted into that respective NIT(in Transportation Engineering Specialization). For example, the last general category candidate who gets admitted to NIT Surathkal Transportation Engineering had a GATE 2019 score of 569.

Geotechnical Engineering
Geotechnical Engineering is compromises of many of the branches like foundation engineering, earthquake engineering, soil dynamics, geo-environmental engineering, etc. The field is very vast and most people restrain it to foundation engineering, which is not the truth.
The scope of M.Tech. Geotechnical is vast. You could opt for a PhD if you want to get into academics or Research and Development (R&D). You can happen to be a tunnel geotechnical engineer, a Marine geotechnical engineer, a Geotechnical earthquake engineer or work as a consultant for multiple projects.
The below table shows the score of the last candidate who gets admitted into that respective NIT(in Geotechnical Engineering Specialization).

Other Specialzations under MTech Civil
Water Resources Engineering is important and demanded branch that exists in most of the NITs like NIT Jaipur, NIT Bhopal, NIT Agartala, NIT Calicut, NIT Hamirpur, NIT Surathkal, NIT Raipur, NIT Patna, NIT Kurukshetra, NIT Manipur, NIT Rourkela, NIT Silchar, NIT Srinagar, NIT Warangal and NIT Surat.
Construction Technology and Management is also a better option and people having a great interest in Structural can opt for it. NIT Surathkal, NIT Warangal, NIT Surat and NIT Nagpur have this specialization under Civil.
Except these specializations, there are some special branches like NIT Warangal's "Waste Management", NIT Rourkela's "Thermal Engineering", etc.
I hope this is enough of the information. I will not clutter the blog more, just ending the blog with a master file that contains all the previous years MTech admission cutoff of NITs ;)
Download the master PDF File here.
Disclaimer: This is the cut-off list for NITs with Civil Engineering departments as per Special Round 1 2020. There was one more round after it, which you can find the list on CCMT Official website. This will give you an idea of what to expect. It can vary from this, so just use this as an indicator.
You rocked GATE 2021, Now all the very best for your admission! In case of any confusion/doubt/query, you can comment on the blog.
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