Exclusive test series for GATE ES 2021 [GATE Environmental Science]: A chance to attend 3 Full-Length Tests of GATE Level. The test series will be as per the latest GATE 2021 Environmental Science and Engineering syllabus and pattern including Multiple Select Questions.
Grab the limited offer and get the GATE ES Test Series for Rs.99/-
Improve your score with APSEd Tests
GATE Environmental Science (GATE ES) is a new paper introduced by IIT Bombay for the year 2021. We want every student associated with APSEd to get an extra edge. This is the chance for you to improve your scores in GATE ES.
We will be asking you questions similar to GATE, and we will try and encounter you with all sort of problem scenarios.
What do you get in test series?
3 Full-Length Tests (FLT)
Report Card for every Test
You can attempt the test both in laptop and in-app. Download APSEd app here.
Report Card for every test
Tests are a tool in your preparation. For every test, in-depth analysis is MUST. With every APSEd Test, you get a report card.
Accuracy Analysis
Time Analysis
Score Analysis
Question-wise Report

MUST Take Test Series for GATE Environmental Science
If you are a GATE ES aspirant, this is a must take test series. This is your chance to improve your GATE ES score.
Best of luck for GATE 2021!
Prepare for GATE Environmental Science
Here are the most asked for resources to help you get started
If you have any questions, let us know in the comments section or reach out to us at support@apsed.in
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