GATE stands for Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering. It is a national level test conducted once a year for admissions to MTech in IITs, NITs, and other participating colleges. Also, it is required for recruitment in PSUs. In this blog, know details about the GATE 2023 like the date, conducting body, application form etc.
GATE 2023 Conducting Body
GATE exam is conducted by IITs. Each year different IITs take up the role of conducting the exam. Conducting the exam comprises everything from the initial announcement till the release of the GATE scorecard.
GATE 2022 was conducted by IIT Kharagpur on the first and second weeks of February. As per the rotation of conducting body role, the GATE 2023 will be conducted by IIT Kanpur
GATE 2023 Exam Dates
Each year, the GATE exam is invariably conducted on the first and second week of February, during Saturdays and Sundays. The schedule of examinations for each subject varies from year to year and it solely depends on the decision of conducting body alone.
Going by this, GATE 2023 will be held on the 4th, 5th, 11th and 12th of February next year.
Tentative dates relating to the GATE exam are given in the table below.
Events | Date |
GATE 2023 Notification | 1st week of September 2022 |
GATE 2023 Registration | 1st week of September to 2nd week of October 2022 |
GATE 2023 Form Correction | 2nd week of November 2022 |
GATE 2023 Admit Card Release | 1st week of January 2023 |
GATE 2023 Exam Date | 4th, 5th, 11th, 12th of February 2023 |
GATE 2023 Answer Key | 1st week of March 2023 |
GATE 2023 Result | 3rd week of March 2023 |
GATE 2023 Counselling | 1st week of May 2023 |
Important things you need to know are
GATE 2023 Notification & Registration: September, 2022
GATE 2023 Exam Date: February, 2023
GATE 2023 Result: March, 2023
From the table, we can also understand the sequence of activities that happens during a GATE exam.
GATE 2023 Eligibility Criteria
A candidate who is currently studying in the 3rd or higher years of any undergraduate degree program OR has already completed any government-approved degree program in
Engineering / Technology / Architecture / Science / Commerce / Arts is eligible for appearing in the GATE 2023 exam.
One important disclaimer here is, GATE is not an admission ensuring examination. Qualifying in the GATE examination does not guarantee admission/scholarship. Admission to any institute is fully dependent on the admitting institute's criteria for educational qualification. Similarly, GATE qualification does not assure a Public Sector Undertaking (PSU) job, as it depends on the recruitment procedure of the concerned PSU.
GATE 2023 Exam Pattern
GATE exam will be conducted as an ONLINE Computer Based Test (CBT) in specific exam centres only. The online examination papers will contain some questions of,
(i) Multiple Choice Question (MCQ) type, where only one option out of four options is correct.
(ii) Multiple Select Question (MSQ) type, where one or more than one option out of four options is/are correct,
(iii) Numerical Answers Type (NAT) where the answer must be keyed in by the candidate using a virtual keypad.
One more thing to note is, no calculators will be allowed, instead, the candidates can use an on-screen virtual calculator provided for the examination.
GATE 2023 Papers Available
Every year, the GATE exam may or may not modify the exam papers. But, there are some standard sets of papers that will for sure appear in GATE 2023. The same is listed below.
Aerospace Engineering
Agricultural Engineering
Architecture and Planning
Biomedical Engineering
Civil Engineering
Chemical Engineering
Computer Science and Information Technology
Electronics and Communication Engineering
Electrical Engineering
Environmental Science and Engineering
Ecology and Evolution
Geomatics Engineering
Geology and Geophysics
Instrumentation Engineering
Mechanical Engineering
Mining Engineering
Metallurgical Engineering
Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering
Petroleum Engineering
Production and Industrial Engineering
Textile Engineering and Fibre Science
Engineering Sciences
Humanities & Social Sciences
Life Sciences
GATE 2023 Expected Paper Combinations
In 2021, GATE introduced several changes. One of the notable changes among them is the option to take two GATE papers at a time. The paper combinations that are available are given below (tentative)

GATE Competition Level
The number of applicants for a paper tells about the popularity of a particular paper, which in turn is an indication of the benefits that the paper offers for its' candidates post GATE. It also gives an idea of competition one would likely face by choosing that particular paper. Therefore, we will now share the details of the number of candidates who took up GATE for major streams below (tentative as per previous years)

It is worth mentioning that a total of more than 7 lakh people attended the GATE exam, which itself shows the value of taking a GATE exam.
GATE 2023 FAQs
Let us now clarify some of the frequently asked questions (tentative as per previous year notifications)
1. Is there any age limit to appear for the GATE exam? NO. There is NO age limit to appear for GATE 2022.
2. Are there any restrictions on the number of times one can appear for GATE? NO. One can appear for the GATE examination any number of times.
3. Can I appear in any of the GATE 2023 papers? Although the candidate is free to choose any of the papers (up to two from the given combinations), the candidate should select a paper appropriate to the discipline of the qualifying degree.
4. If I have not uploaded the photograph as per the specifications mentioned, will my application be rejected? YES, without a proper photograph, the application will be rejected.
5. If I have not uploaded a signature as per the specifications mentioned, will my application be rejected? YES, without a proper signature, the application will be rejected.
6. Do I need to fill two forms to appear in two papers? NO. The two papers option may be selected based on the given set of combinations in a SINGLE form only.
7. When will I receive my Admit Card? Admit Card can ONLY be downloaded from the GATE 2022 website from first week January 2023. Admit Cards will NOT be sent by post or as an e-mail attachment.
8. Will I be provided with any white paper for rough work and calculations during the examination?
Only one scribble pad at any point of time will be provided to the candidate that can be used to do the rough work. To obtain a second scribble pad, the candidate MUST return the first scribble pad. The candidates have to return any scribble pad in their possession at the end of the examination. The virtual scientific calculator will be available on the computer screen.
9. Will there be any arrangement at the examination centre for the safe keeping of my personal items such as my mobile phone? NO. Such arrangements will not be made at the examination centre. If a candidate brings personal belongings including mobile phones, they have to be kept outside the examination hall at the candidate’s own risk. The GATE officials are not responsible for the safekeeping of your personal items.
10. Is there a relaxation in qualifying mark and fee for the EWS (Economically weaker section) candidates? The application fee for EWS candidates will be the same as that of General candidates, however, the qualifying mark is 90% as that of the General candidates.
11. What will happen if I am not able to produce an EWS certificate at the time of admission/counselling etc.? If you are not having a valid EWS certificate at the time of admission/counselling/recruitment, you will be considered as a general category candidate. However, GATE has nothing to do with subsequent admission or recruitment process.
With all these in place, we hope you would have got an idea about GATE 2023. But, the most important part is preparation. Going by a famous quote,
Preparation comes before success even in the dictionary!
This preparation should come well in advance, to be precise, GATE 2023 aspirants should have started the preparation by now itself. Therefore, starting early and preparing for GATE 2023 is the most important key to success.
Where and how to prepare?
Well, the answer is pretty simple. Head to APSEd and explore all the courses that are specifically curated for GATE 2023. More than that, all courses are available at a discounted price!
Bonus For You
Massive 55% limited offer on GATE 2023 courses going on, don't miss it. Enroll here and excel in your GATE exam 👍✨.
Learn more about GATE 2023 here!
APSEd Courses
We at APSEd have curated and made special courses, especially for GATE 2023. Do check them out and get benefitted.
We hope you found what you were looking for. For more queries just hit us an email to
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