APSEd brings you a special analysis of GATE 2022 Geomatics Engineering [GATE GE] conducted on 13th Feb. This GATE Geomatics paper was introduced this year by IIT Kharagpur. A total of 10,000 aspirants were expected to appear for the paper.

If you love remote sensing, geographical data and want to pursue it as a career, this paper could open doors for you.
Students had a mixed opinion on the level of the paper; But definitely, not too many surprises and the questions were in line with the initial expectations.

Overall Analysis of GATE 2022 Geomatics Engineering
GATE 2022 GE paper being introduced for the first time, the only source of information we had to access beforehand were the GE syllabus and sample paper.
The paper had more theoretical questions, which was expected in line with Geomatics model paper released by IIT KGP
A clear understanding of topics was required to attempt the questions. There were a few tricky questions as well.
We stressed more on MSQs in our GE tests with about 5-6 questions in our full-length tests. It turned out to be useful, as the GATE paper had about 9-10 MSQs
Aptitude turned out to be easy, and section B was relatively easier with direct questions were asked from these subjects.
Many students found the statistical questions from engineering maths slightly on the tougher side.

The questions were divided amongst all subjects, almost in-line with the Geomatics Engineering sample paper subject weightage
Generally from what we observed in our full-length tests, many students get the MSQs wrong as it is quite tricky
Overall the paper was in line with the expectation, and is from easy-moderate level.
We can expect a higher cutoff about 34-38 for GN category. This is considering the fact the paper was as expected, and generally papers like this which is written by around 10,000 students or lesser tend to have a higher cutoff. If you are new here, get access to GATE 2023 Geomatics Engineering Courses and Mock Tests here.
Subject-wise Weightage GATE 2022 Geomatics Engineering
APSEd full-length test pattern was very close to the GATE 2022 Geomatics pattern. Section A which is the common syllabus, in this 36 questions are asked for 55 marks. Engineering Maths, Remote Sensing, GNSS and GIS are the subjects in this section.

Either section of Part B (Section I or Section II) consists of 19 questions carrying a total of 30 marks: 8 questions carrying 1-mark each (sub-total 8 marks) and 11 questions carrying 2-marks each (subtotal 22 marks).
Part B- Section I (Optional): Maps, Land Surveying, Aerial Photogrammetry
Part B- Section II (Optional): Data Quantization and Processing, Digital Image Processing, Radiometric and Geometric Corrections, Image Enhancement, Image Transformation, Image Segmentation and Classification
GATE 2022 Geomatics Questions
Some of the questions that were asked in GATE 2022 Geomatics are
Which error can be corrected by DGPS
In GIS, reclassification means
Order of Electromagnetic Spectrum wavelength increasing order
Finding number of images - photogrammetry
Thermal infrared images
Principle of surveying, Bowditch Relationship
Question on Tacheometry
Most Probable Value, and other statistical questions
We will update more with the answer key, once the response sheet is out by GATE IIT Kharagpur. Stay tuned.
Special Announcement!
Top 5 students of APSEd, which include all our subscribers will be rewarded hugely on the basis of GATE 2022 results.
Other than this, all the GATE top 1000 rankers are eligible to get the APSEd interview course for FREE.
Note: A special surprise reward is waiting for the students who get a top 100 AIR.
For any sort of queries, just hit us an email to support@apsed.in
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