APSEd brings you solutions of GATE 2022 Civil Engineering for both forenoon and afternoon session conducted on 12th Feb by IIT Kharagpur. Download PDF solutions, expected cutoff
In this article, I will share some memory based questions and their solution hints with you. The key highlights and subject wise weightage of paper 1 and paper 2 can be found here.

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GATE Civil 2022 Solutions: Forenoon Session
As the questions are memory-based, for most of the questions, it is not sure to say whether the question is MCQ or NAT. But, the question is correct to the best of our knowledge. We have also put
We are keeping on updating its article based on memory-based questions. Keep coming back for more. The official key will be out soon on the GATE official website.
Highlight Questions Forenoon Session
The bearing of a survey line is N31°17’W. Find its azimuth from the north.
The hoop stress of a thin cylindrical shell is 30N/mm2. Find the max shear stress.
Cycle time = 100 sec, Red time, Amber time per phase is 50 and 4 seconds respectively. Clearance loss = 2 sec. Find the effective green time.
The vehicle count obtained every 10 minutes interval traffic volume in peak hour is given (table given). Find the peak hour factor (PHF) for 10 min intervals.
In the context of the elastic theory of reinforced concrete, the modular ratio is defined as the ratio of
Ca2+= 100 mg/l,Mg2+= 36 mg/l,HCO3-= 122 mg/l,Find the temporary hardness and total hardness.
Given a matrix M and eigen values = 5, -2. Find the eigen value Q which is equal to M^3 - 4M^2 - 2M.
A wastewater sample contains 2 nitrogen atoms species mainly ammonia and nitrate. Consider the atomic weights of N, H and O as 14,1 and 16 mg/l respectively.In this sample, ammonia conc is 34mg/l, and that of nitrate is 6.2mg/l, total nitrogen conc in the sample is (in mg/l of N2)
A reinforced concrete beam with rectangular cross-section (breadth = 300mm, effective depth = 580mm) is made of M30 concrete. It has 1% longitudinal tension reinforcement of Fe415 grade steel. The design shear strength of beam is 0.66N/mm2.The beam has to resist factored shear force of 440kN. The spacing of the 2 legged ,10mm diameter vertical stirrups of Fe415 grade steel (round off to nearest integer):
All solutions of these and more questions are discussed in the PDF below
GATE Civil 2022 Solutions: Afternoon Session
Highlight Questions Afternoon Session
What is the relation between E (young’s modulus), G (shear modulus), and μ (Poisson’s ratio).
At the municipal handling facility, a 30 metric ton mixture of food waste, yard waste, and paper waste is present. The moisture content of the mix is 10%. The ideal moisture content for the mix is to be 50%. The amount of water to be added to the mix is:
Determine the power of a pump required for a pump whose operating efficiency is 80%. Given the delta of crop 144cm and area to be irrigated 108 hectares and base period 120 days and water application efficiency is 80%. The lowest level of water below ground level is 10m.
What is the dimension of dynamic viscosity
Length of runway at sea level is 1,500m. What will be the length of runway at place 300m above mean sea level
For a traffic stream, V is the space mean speed, k is the density, q is the flow, Vf is free-flow speed and kj is the jam density. Speed decreases linearly with the flow, then which is correct?
100mg of HNO3 is added to water bringing the final volume to 1lit. Atomic weights of H,N and O are 1,14 and 16 g/mol. The final pH is
If the magnetic bearing of the sun at a place during noon is S2°E. Find the magnetic declination.
A sample of air analyzed at 250C and 1atm pressure contains 0.04ppm of SO2. What will be the equivalent SO2 conc in 𝜇g/m3?
A uniform rod KJ of weight W shown in the figure rests against a frictionless vertical wall at K and rough horizontal surface at point J. It is given W = 10 kN, a = 4m, b = 3m. The min. Coefficient of static friction at J required for equilibrium.
All solutions of these and more questions are discussed in the PDF below
GATE Civil 2022 Solution PDF and Video Solution
GATE Civil 2022 Morning Session Memory Based Questions and Solutions
GATE Civil 2022 Morning Session Memory Based Questions and Solutions
Disclaimer: All the questions are memory-based and taken from some of our students who appeared for GATE 2022. The official notification for the same will be out soon and we will spread it across then.
We are keeping on updating its article based on memory-based questions. Keep coming back for more. The official key will be out soon on the GATE official website.
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