Detail exam schedule for each paper is released by GATE IIT Bombay, the organising institute of GATE 2021. Check out the GATE Exam Calendar Paper Wise
This year, GATE 2021 saw two major changes: two new subject papers were introduced for GATE 2021 and that third-year students can now appear for the exam.
In GATE 2021, one can appear for 2 papers. With the paper wise schedule announced, you can plan your travel and on-exam day plans!

Detailed Schedule of GATE 2021 Examination
The schedule of important GATE 2021 papers are as follows:
GATE Civil Engineering: 6th Feb, 2021
GATE Mechanical Engineering: 14th Feb, 2021
GATE Electrical Engineering: 7th Feb, 2021
GATE Electronics and Communication Engineering: 7th Feb, 2021
GATE Computer Science: 13th Feb, 2021
GATE Environmental Science and Engineering: 7th Feb, 2021
Got 2 papers back to back? Check schedule and plan accordingly.
Key highlights of GATE 2021
Unlike GATE 2020, GATE 2021 will have multiple select questions(MSQ) which have one or more than one correct answers.
Two NEW subject papers are introduced. One is ES (Environmental Science and Engineering) and the other one is XH (Humanities and Social Sciences).
The syllabus of many papers has been revised. The GATE 2021 revised syllabus has more or less 10% deviation from the earlier syllabus.
TWO subject papers are allowed to be taken. TWO Papers combinations have to be selected from the given list of combinations of papers. For the final update on this keep visiting the GATE Official website regularly.
There is no age limit to appear for GATE 2021 examination.
GATE Second Paper
This year, GATE 2021 has allowed candidates to choose to write 2 papers as well. For example,
Students who are writing Civil Engineering as a primary paper can attempt Environmental Science as a second paper.
Students who are writing Agricultural Engineering as primary paper can attempt Environmental Science as a second paper.
Civil Engineers have the exam on 6th of February 2021, Saturday. The subject code CE got two sessions this time like GATE 2020. So, on Saturday CE covers both Forenoon (FN) and Afternoon(AN) sessions. Environmental Science and Engineering GATE Paper is scheduled for 7th of February 2021, Sunday.
If you are interested in appearing for ES this time, hope you are pretty much aware of its GATE ES syllabus and have attempted the GATE ES sample paper
GATE 2021 Mock Test
Have you not checked it yet? You can get to practice exactly how the screen will look in the exam hall.
Like every time, the exam will be a Computer Based Test(CBT). The duration of the entire test is 3 hours. The basic details of the GATE 2021 are available here.
You can practice these GATE mock tests here
No worry if you have not, we got your back. You just click on the link, and you will be redirected to the mock test. You need not enter any username and password, just sign in.

Yes, you are John Smith! Click on next then start the test.
Disclaimer: We have sourced the information from the GATE official website. Kindly check the official website for any further changes and updates.
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