APSEd brings you a special analysis of GATE 2021 Environmental Science and Engineering [GATE ES] conducted on 7th Feb. This GATE ES paper was introduced this year and conducted by IIT Bombay. A total of 15,000+ aspirants appeared for the paper.
If you are an environmental enthusiast and want to pursue it as a career, this paper could open doors for you.
Students had a mixed opinion on the level paper; But definitely, not too many surprises and the questions were in line with the initial expectations.

Overall Analysis of GATE 2021 Environmental Science
GATE 2021 ES paper being introduced for the first time, the only source of information we had to access beforehand were the ES syllabus and sample paper
The paper had more conceptual questions rather than memory-based questions. A clear understanding of topics was required to attempt the questions. There were a few tricky questions as well.
We stressed more on MSQs in our ES tests with about 8 questions in our full-length tests. It turned out to be useful, as the GATE paper had about 10-12 MSQs
Aptitude and Mathematics turned out to be easy and direct questions were asked from these subjects.
There was a good emphasis on NATs with 12-15 questions asked, especially from subjects like Solid Waste Management, Water & Waste Water Engineering and Environmental hydraulics.

The questions were divided amongst all subjects, almost in-line with the Environmental Science sample paper subject weightage
Overall the paper was moderate, neither too tough nor easy. If you are new here, get access to GATE 2022 Environmental Science Courses and Mock Tests here.
Subject-wise Weightage GATE 2021 Environmental Science
APSEd full-length test pattern was very close to the GATE 2021 ES pattern. Solid and hazardous waste management carried the maximum weightage in the paper out of all the ES subjects. Water & Waste Water Treatment and Management was next to this, in the paper around 8 questions were asked from the same.

Global and regional environmental issues, Environmental Chemistry carried the least weightage in the paper.
GATE 2021 Environmental Science Questions
Some of the questions that were asked in GATE 2021 Environmental Science are
Finding pH, given the concentration of ions
Numerical on Municipal Solid Waste Management
F/M ratio and sludge volume-related
At what pH chlorine will be an effective disinfectant?
Specific energy from open channel flow
Fick's diffusion
Correct hierarchy of solid waste management
Which of the following gases are Primary Pollutants?
Electron transfer system (ETS) step in aerobic organisms
What type of settling takes place in a plain sedimentation tank?
We will update more with the answer key, once the response sheet is out by GATE IIT Bombay. Stay tuned.
Special Announcement!
Top 5 students of APSEd, which include all our subscribers will be rewarded hugely on the basis of GATE 2021 results.
Other than this, all the GATE top 1000 rankers are eligible to get the APSEd interview course for FREE.
Note: A special surprise reward is waiting for the students who get a top 100 AIR.
For any sort of queries, just hit us an email to support@apsed.in
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