APSEd brings you the official question paper and answer key for the recently concluded GATE Civil Engineering paper [GATE CE]. This GATE CE paper was conducted in 2 sessions, and we have released the answer key for both sessions - forenoon and afternoon This year, GATE was conducted by IIT Bombay and an estimated total of 1,00,000+ aspirants appeared for the paper.
Download the official GATE 2021 Civil Engineering Answer Key PDF

The paper was of moderate difficulty. You can find the overall analysis of the GATE 2021 CE paper here.
GATE 2021 question paper with answer key is released by GATE IIT Bombay. This year, 1-mark and 2-mark questions were mixed. The answer key also contains which question is 1-mark and 2-mark.
GATE 2021 Civil Engineering Questions
Both the forenoon and afternoon papers were more of concepts. The numerical part was more but those were completely conceptual.
Structural analysis, SOM, MOM and Steel Structures questions were a bit lengthy and tricky in both the papers. The students who solved these questions will have a high chance to score higher, as other subjects' questions can be solved by anyone.
We stressed more on MSQs, as this was a newly added question type in GATE 2021. But. in both the papers, they asked 2 to 3 multiple select questions.
There were more NATs as compared to the previous year. On an average16 NATs were asked in the exam.
The major topics covered by the question paper are:
Environmental carried the most weightage in paper 1 and Geotech carried the most weightage in paper 2 out of the CE subjects.
Transportation was next to this, in both the papers around 7 questions were asked from the same.
Construction materials and management saw a sudden rise in weightage this year
The least number of the question was asked from Steel Structures, Surveying and Hydrology Irrigation.
GATE 2021 Civil Engineering Answer Key PDF
There were a total of 10 aptitude questions and 55 questions from the Civil Engineering syllabus.
The paper had a wide variety of questions from different subjects, you can find the Civil Engineering 2021 paper subject weightage here
APSEd brings you the official question paper and answer key
GATE 2021 CE Forenoon Session Question Paper and Answer Key
GATE 2021 CE Afternoon Session Question Paper and Answer Key
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GATE 2021 Civil Engineering Rank Predictor
Now, it is time for you to download your response sheet from GATE IITB Official website and cross-check with the answer key.
Once you do that, open the GATE Rank Predictor.
Special Announcement!
Top 5 students of APSEd, which include all our subscribers will be rewarded hugely on the basis of GATE 2021 results.
Other than this, all the GATE top 1000 rankers are eligible to get the APSEd interview course for FREE.
Note: A special surprise reward is waiting for the students who get a top 100 AIR.
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