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GATE 2021 Civil Engineering Paper Analysis | Key Highlights and Subjectwise Weightage

Writer: APSEdAPSEd

APSEd brings you a special analysis of GATE 2021 Civil Engineering including subjectwise weightage for both forenoon and afternoon session conducted on 6th Feb. This year GATE was conducted by IIT Bombay.

I will share some important highlights of the papers and at the end, I will also share the subject-wise weightage of paper 1 and paper 2.

  • It will help students to predict their score and plan accordingly.

  • It will help future aspirants to prepare better. Concentrate on the subjects that are mostly asked.

  • The paper analysis helps GATE aspirants to focus on the newly added syllabus and MSQ questions.

GATE 2021 Paper Analysis

Overall Analysis

  • Both the forenoon and afternoon papers were more of concepts. The numerical part was more but those were completely conceptual.

  • We stressed more on MSQs, as this was a newly added question type in GATE 2021. But. in both the papers, they asked 2 to 3 multiple select questions.

  • MSQs were of ESE standards and not at all lengthy. These questions were of 'are Correct' and 'are Not Correct' types.

  • GATE 2021 taught us one important thing that we can not ignore any subject. This time they asked 4 to 5 questions from construction technology. This was not at all expected, keeping eye on the previous years' papers.

  • There were more NATs as compared to the previous year. On an average16 NATs were asked in the exam.

  • Structural analysis, SOM, MOM and Steel Structures questions were a bit lengthy and tricky in both the papers. The students who solved these questions will have a high chance to score higher, as other subjects' questions can be solved by anyone.

Highlights of GATE 2021 CE Sessions

The difficulty level of both the papers was more or less the same as last year paper. But, unlike the previous year papers, the one and two marks questions were mixed and jumbled. This is a new trend observed in GATE 2021.

Paper 1 Vs Paper 2

  • Geotechnical engineering and environmental engineering questions were easier in paper 2 than in paper 1.

  • Surveying questions were easy in both the papers. They also asked one MSQ from surveying in paper 1 based on fore and back bearing. These questions were below standard.

  • Transportation engineering questions were easy, these were even easier than the previous year papers.

  • RCC questions were balanced in both the papers. In both the papers, there was no one mark question. There were 2, two marks questions in both the papers. Out of these two, one was damn easy, and the other was a standard one.

  • In both the papers, 4-5 construction materials and management(building materials inclusive) questions were asked. Every year they used to ask a maximum of 2 questions from this subject. So, this time the trend was lost. We can never ignore a subject in GATE, they change the trend every year. The question on 'network system', asked in paper 1 was not easy.

  • Structural analysis and steel were lengthy in paper 2 as compared to paper 1.

  • In paper 1 there was no question from hydrology and there were 1-2 questions from irrigation. Whereas in paper 2, there were questions from infiltration, phi-index, hydrographs, duty and delta.

Overall, both the papers were moderate. And taking the students' opinion paper 2 was relatively lengthy, so time taking as compared to paper 1.

Telling the expected cut-off this time will not be perfect. But on an average paper 2 may have one or two marks margin cut off than the paper 2. Guessing it, the expected cut-off of paper 1 will be around 29 and that of paper 2 will be around 31.

Subject-wise Weightage GATE 2021 CE

I will not write more about this. APSEd full-length test pattern was very close to the GATE 2021 pattern. Environmental carried the most weightage in paper 1 and Geotech carried the most weightage in paper 2 out of the CE subjects. Transportation was next to this, in both the papers around 7 questions were asked from the same.

Construction materials, management and build materials saw a sudden rise in weightage this year. Surveying, steel and RCC were very close to our prediction.

Subject wise questions in GATE 2021

Forenoon Session GATE CE - Subject Weightage Percentage

As discussed, Environmental carried the most weightage in paper 1 after general aptitude and engineering mathematics. Around 12% of the total questions were asked from environmental engineering.

Transportation and Geotechnical engineering carried around the same weightage in this paper.

The least number of the question was asked from Steel Structures, Surveying and Hydrology Irrigation.

The below pie-chart gives the detailed weightage of each subject in paper 1.

GATE CE Forenoon Paper Subject-wise weightage

Afternoon Session GATE CE - Subject Weightage Percentage

As discussed, Geotechnical carried the most weightage in paper 2 after general aptitude and engineering mathematics. Around 14% of the total questions were asked from Geotechnical engineering.

Transportation and Surveying combinedly carried the same weightage as Geotechnical engineering.

The least number of the question was asked from Steel Structures, Surveying and Fluid Mechanics. There were comparatively more questions on building materials and construction technology in this paper.

The below pie-chart gives the detailed weightage of each subject in the paper 2.

GATE CE Afternoon Paper Subject-wise weightage

Disclaimer: The highlights, paper analysis and the subject weightage are memory-based and based on some of our students who appeared GATE 2021. The official notification for the same will be out soon and we will spread the official notification across then.

Special Announcement!

Before you move on to see the solution, we have something for you.

  • Top 5 students of APSEd, which include all our subscribers will be rewarded hugely on the basis of GATE 2021 results.

  • Other than this, all the GATE top 1000 rankers are eligible to get the APSEd interview course for FREE.

Note: A special surprise reward is waiting for the students who get a top 100 AIR.

For any sort of queries, just hit us an email to


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