We are a few hours away from GATE 2021. APSEd wishes you all the luck for the exam. This 3 hours will be the most awaited 3 hours of your life, that can decide your future. Don't panic and nothing to study in rush. Whatever you could study, you have already studied. You have burnt the midnight oil, so you do deserve your target.

Keep your body, mind and emotions calm and clean. Just relax, brush the things up, if you wish to. Have a look at the last-minute tips. At this crucial juncture, you should not bother about the concepts you have not covered, few will always be there. GATE is not only about attempting questions, it is not even about some specific questions. Throughput, selecting the right questions and skipping the perfect question, are what matter.
IIT Bombay; the organising institute of GATE 2021 has released a video on the exam day activities. Watch it with priority, if you have not watched it yet.
GATE Post Discussion
Once the exam gets over you can reach us in case of any doubt or confusion. All the GATE Post discussion will happen here. Join this Facebook group, if you have not yet joined.
You are so close to the victory, just go for it. Believe in yourself and all that you are.
Do not stress,
Do your best,
Forget the rest!
Again, rock the exam, blow it away. Wish you all the very best from our whole team. APSEd was and will be always with you.
What else?
PS: Top 5 students of APSEd, which include all our subscribers will be rewarded hugely on the basis of GATE 2021 results.
Other than this, all the GATE top 1000 rankers are eligible to get the APSEd interview course for FREE.
Note: A special surprise reward is waiting for the students who get a top 100 AIR.
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