Engineering Services Examination (ESE/IES)
Engineering Services Examination (ESE) is held by Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) every year for Group A/B Posts like Indian Railway Service of Engineers, Central Engineering Service, Border Road Engineering Service.
Recruitment based on ESE is done for the following 4 branches of engineering
Civil Engineering
Mechanical Engineering
Electrical Engineering
Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering
Examination Stages
Stage I - Preliminary Examination of two papers: General Studies (200 marks) and Technical Paper (300 marks)
Stage II - Mains Examination of two papers: Conventional papers of 300 marks each
Stage III - Personality Test
ESE 2020
Engineering Services Examination 2020 (ESE 2020) held by Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) is to be conducted on the following dates
Stage I - 5th January 2020 (Preliminary Examination)
Stage II - Yet to be announced (Mains Examination)
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ESE 2020 Vacancies
ESE vacancies are for Group A/B Posts like Indian Railway Service of Engineers, Central Engineering Service, Border Road Engineering Service etc.
For 2020, the number of expected vacancies as per official notification is 495